A person confidently looking at themselves in the mirror, symbolizing self-reflection and embracing personal growth for the New Year.

Make the New Year about being the best – the best for YOU!

Time for a new start?

Some research has shown that caffeine can possibly have a positive effect on weight loss and weight management, along with a few other benefits. That’s the short version, and it both requires and deserves a closer look. What is known is that caffeine increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the rate at which you burn calories at rest. The higher your RMR, the easier it is for you to lose weight and the more you can eat without gaining weight. Studies have shown that caffeine can increase this RMR anywhere from 3% to 11%. It’s also been found that most of the increase in metabolism is caused by an increase in fat burning.

In providing online telemedicine services for men’s and women’s personal healthcare, Riize Health is committed to doing everything possible to support people in making positive changes and reaching their personal goals for weight loss and management, sexual health and overall vitality and good health. In short, we want to help you get the most out of, and live, your best life. And that is something different, unique and special for each individual.

Make the new year count

If you’re wondering when the right time is to start pursuing your personal goals for a better you, the answer is always, “now”. That said, you might as well take advantage of the tradition of New Year’s resolutions to start the journey to making your life (and health) better. How did all of that get started anyway?
The idea of starting anew at some point during a year-long cycle originated with the Babylonians, some 4000 year ago. Their “new year” would actually begin sometime in mid-March, when they were planting their new crops, and they would make promises to the gods (like paying their debts and returning borrowed items) to gain their favor in producing good crops that year. Around 46BC, Julius Caesar established January 1st as the start of the new year, again with some bargaining involving good behavior in exchange for favor from the god, Janus. From these cultural traditions, the concept of resolving to make positive changes or do something new at the start of the new year began. Hence, the New Year’s resolutions.

What is the best way to keep your resolutions?

According to statistics, about 44% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Of those, approximately 81% fail by February. Not very good odds. The most popular resolutions are to:
1) exercise, 2) eat better, 3) lose weight and 4) save money. While they are all good, worthwhile things to pursue, the high failure rate for most people is due to these common reasons:
• Lack of a clear goal, or
• Goals are not realistic
• Goals are not specific enough

A close-up of hands writing in a journal, setting personal goals and intentions for the New Year.

What's best for you?

When it comes to the highly personal subjects of someone’s weight control and sex life, there is no ideal, no one-size-fits-all that can be defined as the “best”. That’s why it’s important for each person to have some idea of what would be best for them, individually, when they are setting goals in those areas. In doing so, and in making the changes necessary to reach those goals, the first priority should always be your general health and well-being. Another thing to take into consideration is where you are starting from.

For example, in the case of wanting to achieve and maintain a certain weight, you should think about what a good healthy weight would be for you, your body type, your lifestyle. You also need to know what the condition of your health currently is. Are there any issues such as injuries, medications you’re on, high blood pressure, family history, and so on? In addition, perhaps most importantly, you need to take into account where you’re starting from. What is your current weight and how much do you want to lose? This is where it’s most important to be realistic, and set a challenging, but attainable goal. Once you’ve decided what’s right for you, Riize Health can help support your weight loss program with Riize Semaglutide Weight Loss oral dissolving strips.

A peaceful sunrise over a serene landscape, symbolizing new beginnings and the opportunity for self-improvement in the New Year.
A person practicing yoga or exercising, focusing on physical health as part of a New Year's commitment to self-care

When it comes to improving your sexual health and your sex life, some of the same considerations come into play – you should know about the condition of your general health and any health issues that could be affecting you sexually. However, decisions about what changes you would like to make, and what your goals are for your sex life, should probably not be solely dependent on you. You should consider them in light of your partner, and what their needs and desires are as well, and what’s best for you together. If it’s strictly a performance issue, especially for men, it’s easy enough to address with a product like Riize Strips, which combine sildenafil (Viagra®), tadalafil (Cialis®) and oxytocin (love hormone). Riize Strips can help get you through erectile dysfunction issues, but it’s also important to have the communication you need with your partner to achieve meaningful changes in your sex life and sexual health.

Whether it’s related to your weight or your sexual health, the importance of having an accurate assessment of where you’re starting from cannot be overstated, and Riize Health can help. Before our licensed healthcare professionals prescribe or make any recommendations through our telemedicine platform, an individual assessment is made, at no cost, for each patient, to determine the best and safest course of action.

If it’s other changes you want to make in the new year – maybe getting more or better sleep, having more energy, or even keeping and maintaining your hair growth – Riize can help you in those areas as well. Riize Hair, hair growth products was just recently launched, and our line of supplement enhancements for sleep, energy and vitality will be available in January, 2025 – all on the same highly-effective oral dissolving strips that work so well for weight maintenance and erectile dysfunction.

Ready for a change?

You can make the new year whatever you want it to be. Do you want to live a healthier, more fulfilling life, with a weight that’s just perfect for who you are, and what you’re about? Do you want more intimacy, closeness and communication with your partner? Do you want get more and better sleep, or be able to have more energy when you need it? The answer to all these questions starts with deciding what’s right for you. What is the best for you, and what is your best in any of the areas of your personal life? Because once you achieve what’s best for you, you will be at your best.
A motivational quote about personal growth and setting intentions for the New Year, emphasizing the power of self-motivation.


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